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ZTV Trade, Quest, and Banking System

This website “shop” supports two types of activity:

1) Quest System: There is a category for “Quests” in the shop. You can browse the item in the shop (or on Discord as the details of the quests are posted there too). Once you have gathered the items, then to signal to Admin that you’d like to cash it in, simply go through the process as if you were buying an item, except this time be sure to add the relevant Quest to your shopping cart for checkout.

2) Banking System: The bank accounting system is ran on the Discord server. To add funds to your bank account, you can bring in-game cash into Banktown (in SCUM, the small village just north of the A2 Airport) and use the buildings (we call “lockers” – see below). The cash dropped off in the locker will be added to your bank balance. NOTE: Must be a minimum $10,000 to deposit or withdraw.

To make use of any of these things, simply order the item in the SHOP and when you complete the checkout – the form is them posted to Discord for the Admins to action.


Before you TRADE, QUEST, or BANK

Make your way to “BankTown” – if you check your map it’s just to the north of the B1/B2 airport. In the below image, see the arrow pointing to the Banktown zone

Next image below, you will see the layout of Banktown. Honest Ronzy’s is where spare vehicles and spare parts are taken to. Check there if you’re having trouble finding the part you need to fix a car, occasionally there’s functional cars left up there donated by your fellow players.

The VAULT is where the “Lockers” are for the ZTV Zhop and Banking process. Take a spare lock with you when you go up to BankTown, and place a lock into the locker you are reserving. Do NOT lock the houses around town. They are not part of the process anymore. NOTE THE NUMBER OF THE LOCKER as this will be used in your shop checkout.

After you shop

Here’s the Checkout

Once you’ve done your shopping, and selected the bank or the quest items you wish to trade for, you will find yourself at the checkout.

All of the details need to be filled in. LOCKER NUMBER is a drop-down list, select the Locker Number. If you have a custom arrangement, leave as “custom” and put the details in the Order Notes field.

Steam details are important, it is how we verify (using admin powers) that the lock corresponds with the trade order. A SCUM name helps us make the process a lot quicker. Always useful to enter your Discord name, so we can leave you a message on Discord to update you when your order is ready for collection.

Your order will be posted to Discord, you will be able to see a copy of the post. An Admin will respond, fill your order, and will post on Discord when your order is ready to collect.

If you do not collect within 7 days, the lock will be removed and anyone can collect the items you have not collected – be that items, or cash withdrawals.