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Withdraw $10,000 from ZTV SCUMbank


Short Version:

  1. Go to BankTown – find an empty wardrobe inside the Vault. The vault is the big admin-built facility.
  2. Note down the number on the sign in front of the wardrobe, use that as “Locker Number” on the dropdown list at checkout
  3. If you want more than 10,000 order this again. (ie 20,000 order two, 50,000 order five)
  4. Check out the pic in the <– Product Gallery if you are unsure
  5. Once you’ve submitted your order, look at the confirmation and get your order number.
  6. Use the last three digits of your order number, set your dial lock combo, and lock the wardrobe.
  7. Check the #shop_orders channel periodically to see if your order has been processed.

More info below.


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We will place a pile of cash in the locker you’ve reserved at BankTown.

As a withdrawal MUST BE A MULTIPLE OF 10,000 this product is precisely $10,000. The reason 10,000 is used is because that is a “full stack” of the in-game cash.

  • If you have greater than $10,000 in the bank, we will deduct the fee from the amount in the bank.
  • If you have exactly $10,000 we will deduct it from the pile of cash. (ie you’ve ordered 10,000 but you receive 9,000)
  • If you have less than $10,000 you cannot use this service and the order will be rejected.

There is a $1000 fee on attending BankTown for your withdrawal. If you order one or multiple “withdraw 10,000” on the same order, it’s the flat rate of $1000 for the visit. While that’s not a big fee in the current trader economy, it’s there to compensate the Admins for going to BankTown multiple times a day.




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