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The Seven Horcruxes


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Paddy Hotter has been doing magic things up and around the old castle in D2. This quest is inspired by him…. The items we are looking for are from a combination of sources – some you can purchase, some you have to find, some will be from other quests, and some will be in loot boxes in the “Treasure Hunts” run in the PvP zones.

Bring us the following seven rare and powerful items:

  1. Gold Katana
  2. Bait Trap (treasure hunt loot)
  3. Snow camo m82 complete with snow scope and snow suppressor
  4. Tepee (treasure hunt loot)
  5. 10 honeycomb
  6. Boar Hooves
  7. Full pink ghillie suit, with pink boots and pink gas mask



  • 100,000 Dollars added to your ZTV SCUMBank account
  • Squad with an admin to “god mode” upgrade your base components to the level of your choice.




The “God Mode” upgrades will be on existing walls only. You will have to have built the walls that are to be upgraded beforehand at least at the wooden stage. The requirement for squad changes / locks / flags etc are at the discretion of the admin taking on the upgrades.


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