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Deposit in ZTV SCUMbank

(5 customer reviews)


Short Version:

  1. Go to BankTown – place a lock on one of the wardrobes in The Vault.
  2. Note down the number on the sign, use that as “Locker Number” at checkout
  3. Must be a minimum of 10,000 (ie at least one full stack)
  4. Only need one deposit at a time. Do not order 40 of them.

Longer version below.

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ZTV Admins will take the pile of cash you leave in your chosen locked building in BankTown, and add the cash to your bank on the ZTV discord server.

Cash left for deposit MUST be a minimum of 10,000.

  • If you leave less than 10,000 the admin will assume that’s just a donation and keep the money.
  • If you leave more than 10,000 you don’t need to order a deposit for each individual pile of cash. One order is all that’s needed to deposit multiple piles of cash.
  • The total will be added to your ZTV Bank less the 5% processing fee

There is a 5% fee on attending BankTown for your deposit. We are aware the in-game bank takes 2%, the in game bank does not offer wipe insurance though like ZTV Bank does. This fee is there to compensate the Admins for going to BankTown multiple times a day.


5 reviews for Deposit in ZTV SCUMbank

  1. Dahv (verified owner)

    best bank, good rates.

  2. Kiwi 76561198178541629

    Workshop #2

    Number 1 banking branch on Scum Island….

  3. STUKULELE 76561198421549072

    Great customer service, I would not use any other bank in SCUM.

  4. Ricoy

    Friendly staff.. Reasonable fees.

  5. Mr Diggy

    Best bank on the island, good service, friendly staff, free coffee.

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